Protect and modernize Philippine banana production - PromoBanana | | Rijksdienst

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Protect and modernize Philippine banana production - PromoBanana

Project number



  • The Philippines


  • Mindanao


  • Agriculture

Project budget

€ 3,830,400 (FDOV contribution = € 1,895,500)


  • DLO, Plant Research International
  • BLGG
  • ClearDetections BV
  • NEH Philippines
  • DANA Foundation

Project description

PromoBanana aims to protect, modernize and involve the Philippine banana sector and develop the agro-laboratory capacity for the benefit of every producer. The purpose of this project, based on a business case, is to build upon a local laboratory service capacity. This service will provide banana farmers with more efficient and precise tools for detecting and containing fast spreading diseases and optimise their application of fertilizers and other agronomic aspects. The project aims to close the traditional gap between smallholders, medium sized farmers and large exporting plantations in order to ensure food security, improved resource use and build up resilience in an otherwise volatile sector. Currently, the livelihood of millions of people are at stake by the re-emergence of the devastating Panama disease. It cannot be controlled, cured, wipes out banana plantations and contaminates soils for decades. It threatens banana production throughout the world and on any plantation, regardless of the plantation size. This is on top of other diseases and pests, like the ‘Black Sigatoka’ disease and nematodes. By bringing the latest and robust technology for modern disease management, soil analysis and crop monitoring along with capacity building (based on some simple measures) and technology adoption programmes, PromoBanana may rationalise and improve crop production. This may increase incomes of farmers and generates new and more jobs.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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