Smallholder Horticulture Development in Ethiopia | | Rijksdienst

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Smallholder Horticulture Development in Ethiopia

Project purpose

The overall objective of the assignment is to contribute to the development of a Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) development strategy and institutional framework aimed at supporting the sustainable growth of the smallholder horticultural sector in Ethiopia.



Project results

In terms of outputs the consultancy assignment will produce the following three deliverables:

  1. A recommendation on the support strategy and institutional arrangements necessary for smallholder horticultural development; this recommendation will be developed in close cooperation with the senior staff of the MoA; the recommendations will be submitted for endorsement by the (Deputy) Minister
  2. A revision and update where necessary of the Ethiopian-Dutch horticultural support programme (smallholder sector only) developed in 2012; this programme will have three main components (a) pilots centred on inclusive horticultural growth; (b)sustainable crop protection (Integrated Pest Management); (c)  capacity building and horticultural training.
  3. An effective and efficient organisational framework for the management and implementation of the Ethiopian-Dutch horticultural support programme in the smallholder sector for the period 2014-2017.



Addis Ababa



Advance Consulting B.V.






€ 39,325


Project status

Implementation phase



Project activities

Starting point for the assignment will be the existing plans and proposals at MoA. Step-by-step the consultants will guide the different stakeholders through a process of design and formulation, gradually working towards the level of detail and comprehensiveness necessary for starting the implementation processes.

The main tasks are summarised below:

  1. Familiarise with the existing proposals and ideas on the desired approach and strategy towards smallholder horticultural development among key policy makers in MoA and others within the Ethiopian public sector (EHDA, ATA, etc.)
  2. Develop a stepwise policy formulation plan and seek consensus on this plan within MoA.
  3. Organise several brainstorm meetings and workshops aimed at formulating the different elements of the horticultural development strategy together with MoA policy makers and invited external stakeholders.
  4. Provide background information and share experiences with MoA on different aspects of the horticultural development strategy and institutional framework as a basis for further planning and formulation.
  5. Review of the plans and proposals for the Ethio-Dutch Programme for Horticultural Development 2012-2015 in relation to the smallholder sector and formulate modifications where appropriate.
  6. Explore different institutional arrangements for the management and implementation of the Ethio-Dutch programme on inclusive growth and smallholder development in the horticulture sector based on (a) preconditions of EKN; (b) institutional strengths and weaknesses of MoA; (c) impact on effectiveness, efficiency and viability of the different institutional options.
  7. Seek consensus and obtain approval from the senior policy makers at MoA and other key stakeholders in the horticultural sector on the recommended institutional arrangements for implementing the Ethio-Dutch Programme.
  8. Produce a succinct report with the main conclusions and recommendations developed during the assignment.

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