Drinking Water Supply Bujumbura | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Drinking Water Supply Bujumbura


The project is defined as the development, implementation and operation of a drinking water supply system with a capacity of 141,000 m3/day in the city of Bujumbura in Burundi.






Ministry of Energy and Mines

Competent Authority


Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

47,500,000 Euro / 38,122,200 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

One of the problems in Bujumbura is a lack of sufficient and reliable drinking water. The existing water supply system has inadequate capacity and quality to meet the demands of the increasing population of the area. Currently between 30-36% of the population is not served by the existing system. This is due to insufficient capacity of the existing Water Treatment Plant, high Non Revenue Water and the fact the network is not extensive enough to cover the whole of Bujumbura. There are neighbourhoods in Bujumbura that lack water for periods of 10 days at a time. The current water supply system provides clean drinking water only to the Northern part of Bujumbura. The city of Bujumbura is growing southwards and with the current water supply system, the clean drinking water does not reach these parts of the city.

The proposed solution of this project is the extension of the current water supply system towards the south. The project is defined as the development, implementation and operation of a drinking water supply system with a capacity of 141,000 m3/day in the city of Bujumbura in Burundi. If the project is carried out, a total of 995,123 persons will have (better) access to safe and reliable water.

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