Enhancement of Maternal Health and Paediatric Service | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Enhancement of Maternal Health and Paediatric Service


The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of mother and child mortality and morbidity rates in Zanzibar.


Zanibar archipelago


Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Finance

Competent Authority

Ministry of Health

Parties Involved

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

9,500,000 Euro / 4,498,624 Euro

Status project

Implementation phase

Zanzibar consists of two large islands; Unguja, which is the largest and most populated island and the smaller and less populated island Pemba. Zanzibar is part of the United Republic of Tanzania but is semi-autonomous.

The number of Zanzibar people that currently benefits from appropriate medical hospital care is limited. The percentage of healthcare facilities that are able to deliver the most essential healthcare is by far not sufficient, in particular first aid in trauma related cases as well as maternity care. Health care of newborn children and women is threatened by a lack of basic medical services and availability of critical medical services. Especially the Neonatal Mortality Rate, which is said to be 78 deaths per 1,000 births, continues to be high, being two times higher than the already high Tanzanian rate. In general, both Primary Health Care Units and the Mnazi Mmoja hospital are not equipped, understaffed and the staff is often not well trained. .

The project comprises the following elements
Primary health care level: upgrading of 21 rural health posts.
Specialist services level: amplifying the existing maternity out-patient department by constructing and equipping maternity services of Mnazi Mmoja referral hospital which is the main hospital and located in the capital city of Stone Town. Also central sterilization will be reconstructed and equipped to improve hospital hygienic standards.

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