G2G-support PIB Soil 2014 | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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G2G-support PIB Soil 2014

Project purpose

The purpose of this part of the project is to strengthen the G2G relations on a central and local level and to promote the Dutch soil consortium. Furthermore, the goal is, together with MEP, jointly define the G2G project between knowledge institutes.

The project is to directly support the PIB Soil China through G2G activities. 

Project results

  • The soil guidelines are translated;
  • RIVM has contributed to the good name of the Netherlands as a solid partner in soil remediation by participating in the CAS project;
  • At the end of the year we should have an agreement with MEP on the precise content of the next G2G project on cooperation between knowledge institutes on local soil standards;
  • A cooperation framework between Dutch and Chinese government officials on both the central and local level.


Beijing, China


Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment


Environment, Soil


€ 58.219

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

The following concrete activities will be executed. The activities  have the support of the PIB consortium. Because the Chinese soil policy is just in effect, the aim of these activities is to create a framework for the Dutch consortium to act in.

  1. Translation of official soil policy guidelines.

In previous G2G projects Dutch specialists trained central and local civil servants in Dutch policy making. MEP will publish a new Environmental Law next year, where soil is included. Anticipatory, MEP has published four soil policy guidelines. Translation of these Chinese documents is part of creating the framework.

  1. Inclusion RIVM in implementation project CAS.

Chinese Academy of Sciences is executing a project on food safety with the help of international experts. RIVM was invited to join the team. In the project a procedure will be developed to decide where crops can be grown safely and how risks related to vegetable consumption can be reduced. The project is aimed at Guizhou province. The costs of RIVM will be shared by CAS and this G2G budget.

  1. G2G visit to China related to renewed MoU with MEP.

Currently the proposal for the renewed MoU and the related G2G-project for 2015 are being negotiated. To finalize these negotiations, a visit to Beijing is necessary. To strengthen the relationship with MEP face-to-face contact is needed. Discussions on the cooperation on soil  with MEP will take place, along with discussions on possible future cooperation on mercury and soil remediation, which is the spinoff of a successful project in the China Council with Dutch participation. During this visit several other relevant organizations will be visited which can help the introduction of the PIB consortium. During this visit the H2O14 workshops will be promoted and officials will be invited.

  1. Support the PIB H2O14 workshops

The PIB will host two workshops in November 2014 in Guangzhou and Shanghai. These workshops will be organized by the consortium and the Consulate General in both cities. Soil+ will act as the G2G-link between MEP and I&M. Soil+ will deliver a chairman for the workshops. Looking for business opportunities on a local level by talking to local government officials will be part of the activities.

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