PPP Macadamia Value Chain Enhancement | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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PPP Macadamia Value Chain Enhancement

Goal of the project

The project aims to connect smallholder farmers and macadamia nut producers to the Macadamia nut value chain and improve each link to the chain.

Project number



  • Malawi


  • Thyolo area
  • Mzuzu area


  • Agriculture
  • Macademia nuts
  • Food processing

Project budget

€ 2,845,000 (FDOV contribution = € 1,422,500)


  • Intersnack
  • Sable Farming Ltd
  • DAPP Malawi

Project description

Malawi is a major producer of Macadamia nuts. This is performed mainly by large farms. Only 1% is produced by smallholders. Partners want to enlarge the involvement of smallholders in Macadamia nut production. Their theory is that because of lack of access to good planting material, knowledge of production technique and lack of access to and knowledge of the market Macadamia nut production is not interesting for smallholders at this moment.
The partnership will supply better planting material (through Sable Farming Ltd) and train 3,000 farmers (DAPP Malawi) through a system of Farmer Clubs. Furthermore, they will develop a macadamia agronomy and management module at the Agricultural course of the Mikolongwe Vocational Training college in order to secure the capacity. The project will develop 4 buying/storage centres and expand the processing facilities.
Through this approach the smallholder farmers will gain skills and knowledge, work with the appropriate instruments, have reliable access to fair market conform prices, have access to planting materials. As a result, they will improve their annual income and self-reliance.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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