Redeveloping port areas into climate resilient waterfronts | | Rijksdienst

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Redeveloping port areas into climate resilient waterfronts

Project purpose

To enable the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to design and implement a strategic comprehensive plan for sustainable redevelopment of South West Brooklyn, herewith enabling Dutch businesses to sell their distinctive expertise in this field to their NY counterparts.


Project results

The higher goal of the cooperation between the New York and Dutch Government is the implementation of the Green Tech Brooklyn plan, using the services of the Dutch private sector. As described above, this G2G project is only one part of the process. Results to be achieved:

  • The project beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders have increased knowledge on 'how to turn the threat that is climate change into an opportunity for the whole community?' and relevant lessons learned from the Stadshavens case have been shared;
  • Position of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey strengthened which will help to align partners, develop a common vision and move forward towards the implementation of the Green Tech Brooklyn plan;
  • Results of the workshop "Building climate resilient communities" and pilot projects "Floating         Structures" and "GEO Tubes" disseminated.



New York



The project was implemented by a public-private consortium headed by the City of Rotterdam.






€ 72,000


Status project



Project activities

Hereby all activities planned under the umbrella of Green Tech Brooklyn in chronological order:

1a.       Preparatory Workshop "Building climate resilient communities"

1b.     Dissemination of workshop results at the National Planning Conference organised by the American Planning Association  (APA) in Boston,

1c.       Workshop “ Building climate resilient communities”

2.         Evaluation session, high level site visit and dissemination of results

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