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Transport & Mobility

Project purpose

To support the Ukrainian National Agency on Preparation and Holding in Ukraine UEFA EURO 2012 and Implementation of Infrastructure Projects in formulating policy regarding the organization of the EUR 2012 European Championship event, especially in the field of transport and mobility.


Project results

•  a national transport strategy, that addresses the local situation in Kiev, Lviv, Donetsk and Kharkiv as well, in line with UEFA provided transport and mobility plans

•  operational plans in line with the national transport strategy

•  a bleu print describing processes addressing convergence of different  transport industries servicing EURO 2012 visitors and fans



Kiev, Lviv, Kharkov and Donetsk




Panteia BV






€ 149.650


Status project



Project activities

An inception mission during which a detailed project implementation plan will be drawn up in agreement with Ukrainian and Dutch parties. Furthermore a stakeholder analysis and a needs and gaps analysis will be conducted.


Further activities of the project can consist of:

  • working visits by Dutch expert(s);
  • bi- or multilateral working group(s);
  • seminars or conferences;
  • trainings;
  • analyses/advice;

A combination of the above-mentioned activities.


The complete programme will be closely coordinated with the Netherlands Embassy in Kiev.


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