Two courses for the Master programme Petroleum Geology at UDSM | | Rijksdienst

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Two courses for the Master programme Petroleum Geology at UDSM


Project purpose
Supporting University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM in teaching, capacity building and further developing their MSc program in Petroleum

Project results

  • UDSM students in the MSc petroleum Geology programme are taught two MSc courses (conform the UDSM and K2K rules and agreements)
  • UDSM students in the MSc petroleum Geology programme have  taken their exams in the two subjects taught and are graded (conform UDSM and K2K rules and agreements)
  • UDSM staff has been trained on the job in teaching these courses.

Dar es Salaam

Terra Incognita

€ 16.000,00

Project status

Project activities
In March and April 2015 two courses will be taught:
* GY 600: Advanced petroleum geology
* GY 612: Reservoir diagenesis and quality

The courses will each take 2 weeks and will include examinations.

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