Ultra fast crawling for real-time webscale market intelligence platform | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Ultra fast crawling for real-time webscale market intelligence platform

Our work will focus on the introduction of predictive elements in web crwaling, scoring websites & pages thrhough continuous processing of data for sematic characterization. We want to deliver high- value analysis of world wide web (www) content by daily crawling the entire web, extracting and analyzing the data, and proposing real-time automatic webservices (via a SaaS platform) that will be usable by decision makers. Consultancy firms doing www market intelligence surveys and online advertising networks have expressed to us their needs for simple webservices that will extract meaningful weakly structured data in real time from the entire web combined with sematic characterization to help identify website and webpage topics. They need tools to automate processing and integrate results directly into their workflows, avoiding cumbersome handling as is the case today. We are going tot propose the web services under a subscription-based buisiness model with a pricing strategy as follows: - a welcome interface first accessed free of charge enabling data collection - a full functionality interface, with a per account montlly fee subscription, will provice a powervul data moitoring dashboard with historical data and unlimited search possibilities Our market targets include mainly digital marketing intelligence, consultancy, adverstisement,. And security firms. The technical area will be electronics, IT and Telecoms technology – information processing, information system – artificial intelligence ( AL).

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