Using Unconditional Cash Transfers to Mitigate the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns in Ethiopia (UCT-COVID) | | Rijksdienst

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Using Unconditional Cash Transfers to Mitigate the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns in Ethiopia (UCT-COVID)

Feasibility study. In Ethiopia, movement restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have created an economic crisis for individuals, families, and small scale entrepreneurs, all of whom suffer from a lack of access to essential goods and, more generally, a loss of income.

In this project, Triggerise will assess the feasibility of mitigating this economic crisis by piloting mobile phone-based, unconditional cash transfers. This solution will leverage Triggerise’s existing digital platform as well as its Addis Ababa-based network of 500 last mile distribution agents, 59 small-scale shops, and 67 health facilities.

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