AEP Parakou Improvement drinking water supply | | Rijksdienst

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AEP Parakou Improvement drinking water supply


The project is defined as "Improving and safeguarding the production and transfer of raw water, its treatment to potable water and the distribution to the populations of Parakou and two rural villages and promoting its safe disposal."






Ministry of Energy and Mines (MERPMEDER)

Competent Authority

Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin (SONEB)

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

19,453,500 Euro / 9,193,500 Euro

Status project

Development phase

The project is defined as "Improving and safeguarding the production and transfer of raw water, its treatment to potable water and the distribution to the populations of Parakou and two rural villages and promoting its safe disposal."

The proposition of the application is to - increase the capacity of the reservoir and reduce spilling through a combination of dredging of the reservoir (including the removal of water hyacinth) and rehabilitation of the spillway; - improve the water supply to Parakou through extension of the town drinking water system (distribution and service connections) and rehabilitation of the Water Treatment Plant; - make a sub-branch of the raw water pipeline to the two villages adjacent to the reservoir, install small treatment units and connect the water to public stand posts in order to stop the population from using contaminated water; - reforest the reservoir zone to protect the reservoir from silting from border erosion and to create corridors and drinking places for cattle, thus reducing pollution; - take supportive sanitary measures in Parakou and the two towns adjacent to the reservoir. The latter is within the spectrum of the project, but not in the (ORIO) budget, one reason being the ample projects and NGOs active in sanitation in the area.

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