Private and Social Toilets | | Rijksdienst

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Private and Social Toilets

The overall objectives of the partnership are as followed:
1. Reduce the transmission of disease caused by human contact with faecal material by increasing the percentage of the population in the targeted Assemblies that have access to a private digester-based toilet.
2. Establish a cashless payment system that uses cell phone payments of small amounts once or twice each month.
3. Install 1,600 Biofil Toilet Systems in low income areas, selling in bulk orders of 100 for GHC 2000, improving the lives of 16,000 citizens in two Municipalities.
4. Install 400 toilets in public schools at no cost to Municipalities to provide children with safe and hygienic toilets and hand-washing facilities, improving the health of 16,000 school children.
5. Educate residents and school communities about the importance of hand-washing to disease prevention and the proper use and maintenance of Biofil Toilet Systems.
6. Make investments in improving the Biofilcom manufacturing process to increase production capacity of Biofil Toilet Systems from 1,000 per year to 5,000 per year, to increase the safety of labour conditions, to improve the quality of the product and further standardisation of the product.
7. Develop marketing strategies for Biofil Toilet Systems, based on an internal assessment of PRISTO’s effectiveness in promoting Biofil Toilet Systems in urban areas.

Project number



  • Ghana


  • GA Central
  • Ashaiman


  • Sanitation and hygiene

Project budget

€ 2,799,083 (GWW contribution = € 1,679,333)


  • Triarii BV


  • Biological Filters and Composters Limited
  • People's Dialogue
  • Crystal Marbles
  • Kellogg & Associates
  • Design 180
  • Ashaiman Municipal Assembly
  • GA Central Municipal Assembly

Project description

54% of households in Ga Central and Ashaiman have a lack of proper toilet facilities, caused by high cost of constructing improved toilets.
The partnership in this project provides Biofil toilet systems (compost toilets) to two assemblies (1,600 private toilets and 400 toilets to schools). The private toilets will be bought by the assemblies and sold to home owners and landlords by down payments using a mobile paying system of Airtel. This system is said to make private toilet systems available to poor people. The 400 toilets will be provided at no costs to the schools.

Project duration

4 years

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