Sustainable and affordable poultry for all | | Rijksdienst

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Sustainable and affordable poultry for all

Goal of the project

The aim of this partnership is to improve food security and rural incomes in Myanmar through the introduction of improved farming practices, resulting in lower cost prices and productivity gains in corn and poultry farming.

Project number



  • Myanmar


  • Yangon region, lower Myanmar


  • Agriculture
  • Poultry

Project budget

€ 5,000,000 (FDOV contribution = € 2,500,000)


  • De Heus Myanmar
  • Belgabroed NV
  • Fresh Studio Innovations Asia
  • Aeres Groep
  • Myanmar Livestock Federation
  • Yezin Agricultural University

Project description

Key problem in Myanmar is the low agricultural production and limited level of competition in feed and poultry, which causes prices of poultry to be about twice as high as in neighbouring Thailand. Yet, poultry is the most important source of animal protein in Myanmar.
This project targets the poultry chain, and corn as the most important feed source for poultry. A DoC hatchery will be established under a Joint Venture by DHM and Belgabroed, with a capacity of 12 million DoC’s per year. Ten brood stock chicken farmers will be selected and trained to produce eggs for the hatchery, and 250 broiler key farmers will be trained up to exemplify good farm broiler management using quality management systems. In addition, and parallel to corn variety trials, a corn capacity training programme will be established using 25 corn trader-suppliers reaching out to 2,500 corn farmers using improved inputs and latest technologies. Sustainability of the project is strengthened through the establishment of a broiler farmer Club (50 members), workshops and seminars for dialogues on safe poultry production with key stakeholders in Myanmar.
The project claims to increase supply of chicken meat by 18 million kg per year, equivalent to the annual consumption of 1 million people, and an overall direct created value of US$ 40 million per year or US$ 160 million over a 4 year project period. Income is generated for about 6,700 people.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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