WaterHealth Ghana WASH Project - 2 | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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WaterHealth Ghana WASH Project - 2

The goal of the project is to provide safe drinking water to over 0.65 million people in various communities of Ghana and educate/sensitize the communities on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices.

Project number



  • Ghana


  • 85 communities across 30 Municipal/Metropolitan/District Assemblies


  • Access to and use of safe drinking water (including hygiene)

Project budget

€ 9,923,323 (GWW contribution = € 6,750,000)


  • Waterhealth Ghana Limited


  • Dutch Water Partners (DWP)
  • Global Women Development Partners (GLOWDEP)
  • Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development (MoLGRD), Ghana

Project description

In Ghana over 40% of 9 million inhabitants has no access to safe drinking water facilities. The Water Health Ghana WASH Project wants to establish 85 Water Health Centres (WHCs) in 85 Districts, Municipalities and Metropolitan Areas throughout the country and provide 650 thousand inhabitants of underserviced communities with clean and reliable drinking water, improving hygiene with WASH practices in communities and at schools.
Drinking water supply in Ghana is much under pressure due to lack of sufficient water resources, limited infrastructure, irregular supply and unreliable, underperforming or even non-operating water facilities and services. With a considerably large proportion of the population lacking access to safe drinking water and faced with poor sanitation, child mortality and waterborne diseases are much prevalent.
The project addresses key challenges to improve access to safe and purified drinking water in both rural and peri-urban underserved communities with the construction of community-based water service facilities, so-called Decentralised Water Health Centres (DWHCs). The Centres include drinking and portable water taps, an office, a filtration system, storage tanks and toilet facilities, mainly for personnel. The project wants un(der)served communities to be strongly involved and gradually take over the control and ownership of the DWHCs.

Project duration

5.3 years

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