Laatst gecontroleerd op:
23 augustus 2022
Gepubliceerd op:
11 november 2019

Volledige naam: ERA-NET Cofund on ICT-enabled agri-food systems


ERA-Net voor de ontwikkeling en integratie van digitale technologieën voor een duurzaam voedselsysteem - van grond tot mond.

Nederlandse onderzoeksfinancier(s)

Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit

Projecten met Nederlandse deelnemers (2019 en 2021 calls)

  • FINDR - Fast and INtuitive Data Retrieval | eLEAF B.V.
  • HALY.ID - Innovative ICT tools for targeted monitoring and sustainable management of the brown marmorated stink bug and other pest | One Planet Research Center, Imec
  • IMPPeach - Integrated Model and digital Platform for Harvest Prediction of Canned Peaches | Sigrow BV
  • Utopia - aUtomaTed Open PrecIsion fArming Platform | Intelligent Autonomous Mobility Center, Aqitec Projects B.V., Wageningen University
  • MI BICYCLE - MItigation and adaptation through better BIomass CYcling in Crop Livestock systems of north and western Europe | Wageningen University
  • ReLive - Back to the Future: Reintegrating Land and Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Circularity | Wageningen University
  • SENSE - Synergies in integrated systems: Improving resource use efficiency while mitigating GHG emissions through well-informed decisions about circularity | Stichting Wageningen Research

Nieuwe call (2022)

  • Deadline 15 augustus
  • Focus: More transparent agri-food systems for consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain based on ICT technologies
  • Meer informatie over de call

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