Universiteiten en sociale innovatie
De lijst geeft een eerste overzicht van beschikbare expertise in Nederland op het gebied van innovatiewetenschappen en interdisciplinair onderzoek naar duurzame ontwikkeling.
Het overzicht is zeker niet compleet, suggesties zijn welkom: stuur een mailtje naar Marco Kolkman.
Universiteit Utrecht, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation
The Copernicus Institute investigates and develops processes and opportunities for innovative change towards sustainability. The institute thus seeks to contribute to the development of knowledge and techniques as well as methods and instruments in the field of sustainable development, taking note of related social debates and policy processes.
Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht Centrum voor Energieonderzoek (UCE)
The Utrecht Centre for Energy research (UCE) at Utrecht University initiates, acquires and manages national and international energy research projects. Research is in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and carbon capture and storage, and ranges from fundamental research to support for policymakers. The partners have created UCE with a small staff (3 persons), so the projects are carried out by experts from its partners, including often experts from third parties.
Universiteit Twente, CSTM
CSTM – the Twente Centre for Studies in Technology and Sustainable Development at the University of Twente - was established in 1988 to conduct environmental policy research and cleaner production, expanding during the 1990s to a more general focus on technology and sustainable development. Its mandate mirrors the entrepreneurial goals of the University of Twente: to conduct and apply innovative research for the benefit of society. We specialise in governance, emphasising sustainable development, environmental quality, and technological innovation - from both developed and developing country perspectives.
Universiteit Maastricht, ICIS
ICIS, at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Maastricht University, was founded in 1998. ICIS addresses complex issues facing the planet and its inhabitants. Its aims are to conduct research and provide education in the fields of integrated assessment and sustainable development. The ICIS organization is multidisciplinary; it has a mix of national and international, globalised, youthful people. ICIS researchers in the natural and social sciences work together in pursuit of solutions to real world problems. Such integrative studies involve analysis of the causes, effects and the mutual interlinkages between economic, environmental, institutional and socio-cultural processes associated with a specific environment or complex issue (e.g. tourism, health, water, mobility). These interdisciplinary analyses complemented with participatory processes involving stakeholders usually form the basis for the development of visions and long-term strategies.
Universiteit Maastricht, UNU-MERIT
UNU-MERIT is a joint research and training centre of United Nations University (UNU) and Maastricht University, The Netherlands. UNU-MERIT provides insights into the social, political and economic factors that drive technological change and innovation. The Centre's research and training programmes address a broad range of policy questions relating to the national and international governance of science, technology and innovation, with a particular focus on the creation, diffusion and access to knowledge.
Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur & Management
Als onderdeel van de TU Delft wil de faculteit TBM een significante bijdrage leveren, door internationaal georiënteerd onderwijs en onderzoek, aan het duurzaam oplossen van complexe maatschappelijke problemen door het analyseren van structuur en werking van technische multi-actorsystemen en door het ontwikkelen van interventiestrategieën, handelingspraktijken en instrumenten voor het ontwerpen en verbeteren van dit soort systemen. TBM wil nieuwe perspectieven openen door een unieke samenwerking tot stand te brengen tussen de alpha/gamma wetenschappen en de bèta/technische wetenschappen, daar uit het nabije verleden is gebleken dat een eenzijdige benadering van de genoemde problemen tot onvoldoende resultaten leidt.
TU Eindhoven, Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
The department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) strives for optimal knowledge and technology transfer with industry and other organisations. Collaboration is especially sought with organisations and companies that are greatly involved with science and technology.
Wageningen University
Binnen de Wageningen University zit de gamma-expertise rond energietransitie vooral in de Maatschappijwetenschappen (vele verschillende gamma-leerstoelgroepen) en in iets mindere mate bij de Omgevingswetenschappen.
Wageningen UR, Alterra
Alterra is een kennisinstituut voor de groene leefomgeving. Het instituut bundelt expertise op het gebied van de groene ruimte en het duurzaam maatschappelijk gebruik ervan: kennis van water, natuur, bos, milieu, bodem, landschap, klimaat, recreatie.
Vrije Universiteit, Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken (IVM)
Het instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken (IVM) is een interdisciplinair instituut van de Vrije Universiteit en is verbonden aan de Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen. Sinds de oprichting in 1971, heeft IVM een grote expertise opgebouwd in het toepassen van onderzoek op het gebied van diversiteit en complexiteit in de milieuproblematiek. Het multidisciplinaire onderzoek is in vier departementen ondergebracht: Chemistry and Biology, Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy and Governance en Spatial Analysis and Decision Support.
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT)
DRIFT is a research institute based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. Transitions are structural societal changes resulting from interacting cultural, economic, technological, behavioural, ecological or institutional developments. Transitions provide a key for achieving a more sustainable and innovative society. Therefore the research about transitions and transition management focuses on the interconnected parts of this dynamic interplay, and addresses issues like:
- How do transitions come into being?
- How to recognise them in an early stage?
- How to envision and manage them?
- How to monitor them?
Universiteit Leiden, Instititute of Environmental Sciences (CML, voorheen Centrum voor Milieu en Landbouw)
The Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) is an institute of the Faculty of Science of Leiden University. The main area of work is research and education in the multidisciplinary field of environmental sciences. The research projects of the Institute draw from both natural and social sciences. CML has two research departments:
- Conservation Biology (CML-CB), dealing with issues of biodiversity and natural resources in rural areas of the Western and nonwestern world and;
- Industrial Ecology (CML-IE) , dealing with research into the development of tools for decision making on sustainable production and consumption.
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Energy Delta Institute
The Energy Delta Institute combines all the energy related research of the University of Groningen. Current research theme's vary from gascombustion processes to world-wide energymarkets. From plastic solar cells and energy producing bacteria to energy property rights.